It maintains the basic style from the first one, not only in gameplay but also in visuals and more. But as a sequel to the first one, it does everything a sequel should do and does it right.

Use the indicated client to activate key and download and play your game. Kindergarten 2, as a game, is just odd and strange. Compare prices of over 40 stores to find best deals for Kindergarten 2 in. And when it comes to these kinds of games, it's probably for the best to not give it much thought. Of course, most people who play the game just outright ignore this and try to just go through the game without giving it much thought. The more popular Binding of Isaac features a disturbing story of child violence, abortions, and much more. 1 2.7 Tags Best For Girls Do you like investigations of mysterious murders with the smell of insanity and absurdity Then you definitely won’t regret playing Kindergarten 2 In this exciting horror game, you can feel like a preschooler who finds himself in an unusual and very dangerous kindergarten. But other games deal with kid violence like this one. Just like the first one, it hides so many dark things under such a basic and innocent premise.

This game is really messed up, and probably that's what makes it a little more interesting. Just the usual stuff, right? Kid violence not meant for kids You know, all the usual activities of a kindergarten are here, helping to steal an inhaler, keeping your companions safe from being murdered, helping in an inmate war, hiding bodies, and much more. An even bigger kindergarten with much more space and tons of new activities.